Issue 5: Denial (1)
Population Shaming
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In this edition of The Sustainable Population (SP) Newsletter, I felt it important to examine why so many are in complete denial of the dangers of overpopulation. Indeed there is an active rebuttal towards others who try to raise the issue.
I believe that for many, living in a highly urbanised environment, has dulled their affinity and respect for the natural world and the green belt. The occasional road journey past fields and woods has no meaning, relative to their daily experiences. They have become detached from that which gave us our very existence, mother nature.
Each day, many live for nothing else, but their wants and needs and immediate concerns for family and friends. Television and the mobile phone have created a dome, encapsulating their world. Many are prisoners of a fixed mindset, with no concern to towards anyone or anything else. To concrete and tarmac the greenbelt to facilitate the needs of over population, is just a means to an end.
They cannot appreciate the real things that make life worth living. Those small pleasures which enhance the quality of our lives. Consequently, mental health concerns are now prevalent. Many find no peace, a growing need for more. A modern world built of consumerism and immediate self-gratification. The craving for materialism; more money, a bigger house and car, or that foreign holiday, has come at a price. No time to relax and embrace the peaceful ambience offered by a wood, flower meadow or the seashore. Memories of a past we once loved.
The fully urbanised rejoice that technology and science has eliminated all natural checks, such as disease, which limit the human population growth rate. Uncontrolled global migration is accepted as the norm by many. They see the economic value of cheap labour or that it suits their left wing liberal ideologies Those refusing to accept its detrimental social, economic and environmental effects on their communities, are belittled and patronised. They are labelled 'Far-Right' and racist by any interest group that this pernicious creeping disaster benefits.
Time to wake up and accept that the UK is undergoing the mother of all population explosion. Our numbers are increasing exponentially. And this has serious consequences. Public services cannot cope. Hospital waiting lists are increasing and consequently people are dying. Our children cannot afford to buy that first home. Crime is increasing and the prisons are full. We are told that in 25 years, we will run out of drinking water and one quarter of our wildlife face extinction.
Yet despite this, so many refuse to accept the truth. They live a state of denial; a refusal to accept the dangers that come with ever increasing population numbers.
This inability to face the truth must be addressed. In the following analysis, Robert Maynard from Population Matters, does just this. He outlines his personal but most illuminating perspective, in an article called 'Population Shaming'.
I hope that you find the SP Newsletter both interesting and informative.
Mike Walker,
Editor, Sustainable Population (SP)
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