Issue 1: Introduction


Rights, Responsibilities, Selfishness and Overpopulation

by Mike Walker, Editor 

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Welcome to the first issue of a weekly newsletter called Sustainable Population. These publications are designed to highlight to the dangers which arise when governments deliberately encourage overpopulation. In many ways the need to raise awareness of these concerns has become the raison d'etre for the very existence of Reform UK. 

The self serving arrogance of the main political parties over the last 20 years, has polarised a divide between the ruling 'elite' and the people they should be serving. They have become willing prisoners of a fixed mindset, with the sole aim to further their all consuming political ideologies. 

A free, liberal, caring society is based on the notion that everyone accepts their individual rights as well as their responsibilities, with good grace. This is the cement which holds civilisation together.  We do this for not just the welfare of ourselves and immediate family, but out of respect to everyone else and for future generations.

The Conservatives, Labour and Liberal Democrats no longer have any interest in this. For your vote, they all sell the promise of 'jam tomorrow', like some seasoned used car sales man.  Always emphasising that they will increase your rights to a better life in different ways; an increased wage, lower crime, better medical care. All laudable aspirations, but meaningless without any mention that with rights come responsibility. 

We all have responsibility to others. The expectation to apply for any job, skilled or unskilled, rather than languish for months on benefits. Not cheating on your tax return. Checking on that aging pensioner who no one has seen for a while. Refusing to drink and drive. Making a stand for the weak when they are in danger. Being proud to say that you are a patriot and love your country, when the woke masses decry you as racist, far right.  If we refuse to accept our responsibilities, then we have no future.

And then there is the most important responsibility for any citizen. This includes their leaders.  It is the responsibility to always tell the full truth at all times. 

When a government stops talking about our responsibilities, it is because they no longer care for their own.  Perhaps this subconsciously makes them feel hypocritical. They then find it easy to hide the truth over contentious issues. Never to speak of inconvenient truths, such as the overpopulation that they create, being the root cause of our problems.

In many ways, I believe that there are parallels between a strong head teacher of a school who manages the welfare of her staff and pupils, and a strong caring prime minster who manages the welfare of the people in her country. My perspectives on how we should be governed, has greatly been shaped by my experiences as a school teacher.

I once worked in a school which had a great head teacher, called Sherryl. She believed firmly in the conviction that rights go hand in hand with personal responsibility.  

In one assembly for the staff, she explained how everyone must adhere to a simple behaviour code of conduct.  Teachers would all be expected to work hard, develop their skills, never raise their voices, regularly mark homework etc. Pupils would be given their own code of conduct.  This was simple to understand and remember. There would be no violations, otherwise an increasing scale of severity of reprimand would be activated, leading to expulsion. 

The pupil: teacher ratio would always be a comfortable, low level, ensuring both teacher and individual pupil benefit from sufficient teaching contact time. There would be clearly defined financial renumeration for the hard-working staff, leading to career progression. In doing so, the resisted the temptation to increase the number of pupils on roll for financial benefit. Average per pupil funding in schools for 2023-24 is £7,460. Pupil Funding She knew that the pupil - teacher contact time would otherwise decrease.  Sherryl respected their rights. In doing so this then gave her a mandate to bring in strong disciplinary policies and procedures, which could actually work. With that brought calm to her school, the perfect environment for teaching and education.

The result was certainly impressive.  Visitors would be guided around the quiet corridors by Sherryl and into the different lessons, without prior notice.  Teachers would then proudly demonstrate their skills to the visitors, without concern of interruption from poorly behaved pupils. 

If only these same values towards rights and responsibility of the individual were shared by our prime minister, Keir Starmer. It seems that he cares little about the dangers of unfavourable ratios and their consequences.  

After winning the general election, Keir made it possible for anyone to enter the UK and claim asylum.  He amended the 2023 Illegal immigration Act to facilitate this.  The word 'illegal' is now replaced with 'irregular' immigration Irregular migration, and the Rwanda deterrent was immediately ended Rwanda deterrent In doing this he has created an incentive to destroy personal incriminating documentation and claim one's country of origin does not adhere to the Human Rights Act. This has increased the chances of being awarded citizenship  

Our prime minister ignores the increasing patient: teaching practice ratio.  He cares nothing for the long waiting lists and those who die before that vital operation. In addition, he cares nothing of the stress and depression of the medical staff who are treading water, trying to uphold the NHS, under his self-induced population explosion. Indeed his government feigns hypocritical despair at the failings of the NHS. For political expedience, Keir blames the Conservative government for lack of investment, to shield the public from the truth NHS failings.

Prisons can now never be built fast enough to cater for the uncontrolled population influx.  Yesterday he welcome to the UK another 973 illegal immigrants who crossed the channel Boat crossings .  All will add to the enormous strain on public services.  A significant number will probably increase problems faced in the criminal justice system. Keir's solution?  He increases the number of successful asylum applicants? asylum acceptance. Offenders now need only serve 40% of their prison sentences Early release.  Furthermore thousands of prisoners are being released early due to lack of prison spaces to commit more crime.  Astonishingly, 11.9% of the prison population at the end of the first quarter, 2024 are now foreign nationals Foreign nationals

Our prime minister shows no care or respect for his people. A selfish man, who talks of the rights of his favoured interest groups, whilst only the responsibilities of those who are not.  A flawed character, who seems ignorant of his own hubris.  His puritanical hypocrisy prelection is now exposed. The selfish lack empathy.  To be prime minister you must act with honour and dignity, like Sheryl.  In contrast Keir is out of his depths. His popularity in the polls is taking a nosediveThese are the dangers of electing a prime minister totally unfit for office.

Overpopulation is the one detrimental event which can decimate any society, both social economic and environmental.  There can be no forward planning of public resources to the satisfaction of a populous of unknown number. 

I hope you enjoy reading these weekly news articles.  They often highlight sobering truths, which can be depressing. But there is always hope if people care and make a stand. Please join us at Reform UK,  Lets together get the necessary changes in our society which will ensure a better future for children and grandchildren.

Please join us.

Mike Walker

SP Editor.


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