
Showing posts from October, 2024

Issue 5: Denial (1)

Population Shaming by Mike Walker, Editor  Return to Home Page In this edition of The Sustainable Population (SP) Newsletter, I felt it important to examine why so many are in complete denial of the dangers of overpopulation. Indeed there is an active rebuttal towards others who try to raise the issue. I believe that for many, living in a highly urbanised environment, has dulled their affinity and respect for the natural world and the green belt.  The occasional road journey past fields and woods has no meaning, relative to their daily experiences.   They have become detached from that which gave us our very existence, mother nature.   Each day, many live for nothing else, but their wants and needs and immediate concerns for family and friends. Television and the mobile phone have created a dome, encapsulating their world.  Many are prisoners of a fixed mindset, with no concern to towards anyone or anything else.  To concrete and tarmac the greenb...

Issue 4: NHS (1)

The destruction of the NHS by Mike Walker, Editor  Return to Home Page The rapid population explosion in the UK, is putting unsurmountable pressure onto the NHS. This is being fuelled by mass immigration, both legal and illegal.  Much is the blame of successive past Conservative governments. It is now being ameliorated and facilitated by the present Labour government. The result is: (1) Increased patient to medical staff ratio (2) Longer waiting lists (3) Doctors have less time to care for each of their patients (4) A 'black hole of ever-increasing financial demand' from the public purse. (5) Increased stress of care practitioners, causing doctors and nurses to leave the profession. Direct quotations from the BMA: ‘GP practices across the country are experiencing significant and growing strain with declining GP numbers,  rising demand , struggles to recruit and retain staff and knock-on effects for patients. Fewer doctors are looking after greater numbers of patients Whil...

Issue 3: Immigration (1)

Turn back the boats by Mike Walker, Editor    Return to Home Page I have never understood why you are labelled ‘Far Right’ if you want sensible controlled net immigration into the UK.  Why is it so wrong to have strong laws, securing our borders, thereby ensuring that no one with malicious intent, enters and causes harm? To  have a fair and balanced policy, linking emigration to immigration to help control population numbers in the UK to sustainable numbers? The primary duty of government was once to secure our borders. Furthermore, there was also an understanding of the need to regulate net legal immigration in context to the availability of public services.  The 10-year census was produced for good purpose.    However, for the last 20 years, under Labour and  Conservative governments, there has been a total  laissez-faire attitude towards immigration control. The present Labour government intend to ignore the 2023 Immigration Act, which pre...

Issue 2: Economics and Overpopulation (1)

The Economics of Uncontrolled Immigration   by Mike Walker, Editor                                                                                                                                                                              Return to Home Page Whilst writing this newsletter, I became more aware of the absurdity of trying to justify the economic benefits of uncontrolled population growth.    The ruling elite are continually putting forward the notation that there is a good economic case for increasing more and more net immigr...

Issue 1: Introduction

  Rights, Responsibilities, Selfishness and Overpopulation by Mike Walker, Editor   Return to Home Page Welcome to the first issue of a weekly newsletter called Sustainable Population. These publications are designed to highlight to the dangers which arise when governments deliberately encourage overpopulation. In many ways the need to raise awareness of these concerns has become the raison d'etre for the very existence of Reform UK.  The self serving arrogance of the main political parties over the last 20 years, has polarised a divide between the ruling 'elite' and the people they should be serving. They have become willing prisoners of a fixed mindset, with the sole aim to further their all consuming political ideologies.  A free, liberal, caring society is based on the notion that everyone accepts their individual rights as well as their responsibilities, with good grace. This is the cement which holds civilisation together.  We do this for not just the welf...